My Favourite Anicdotes

Created by Phil 2 years ago

1. Knock Knock

Many years ago, the Jehovah Witnesses came knocking at 44 Belgrave, Dad opened the door to be greeted with their standard opening question….

“Are you close to God sir…?”

Dads reply

“Too close.”

2. Why Can't I.........!!!

At one of his hospitals visits he was recovering from his operation. He was lying flat in the bed; a busy nurse came in with his lunch - and when he made no sign of sitting up, with an assertive and instructional tone she said.

“Now you can’t eat lying down can you!”

Dads reply

“Why not – fish can”

he then proceeded to eat his lunch lying down to prove he could, with the nurses looking on in stunned silence.

3. Coffee Shop

We were sat outside a busy café on Wanstead High Street, he had his coffee latte and was enjoying his favourite almond and pear pastry after being to the barbers and looking very dapper as a result.

Then an empty hearse pulled up and parked at the pavement.

Dad immediately said… “Ah my taxi has arrived.”

As we laughed, I then realised the look of shock on our fellow café customers faces…. Who were mostly elderly as well?