Sailing Weekend - Gastronomy

Created by Phil 2 years ago

In my youth as a boy many a weekend was spend sailing with Dad and Mum in their 16-foot sailing boat ‘The Fine’. When one says one has been sailing at the weekend people form glamourous images of the experience.

No Dad and Mums idea of fun was more about the physical sailing itself in a small boat, with very basic amenities and paper-based navigation (no GPS/mobile phones etc.)

We would spend equal time sitting on the mud waiting for the tides to change as we would sailing on the water!!!

There were many experiences mostly great and some terrifying, but the most enduring memory was how Dad managed to make our Sunday lunch of soup with chunks of beef and tinned new potatoes – cooked on a one ring camping stove feel like it was such a treat.

Even today the thought of it still makes me hungry..
