Visits to Coniston Gardens as a child/teenager

Created by annewilson999 2 years ago
I have really happy memories of visiting David, Brenda, Maggie, Babs and Phil as a  child/teenager. I was always made to feel so welcome and I had great times with my aunt and uncle and cousins! I remember the house and 'rules' -or rather lack of them - and the slightly bohemian and relaxed atmosphere. Tea on trays! Chips! Dressing up clothes and discos! David with books about art and usually a chess board somewhere. I'd never seen so many books!  Later on, David was rather startled when I told him of my plans to become a careers officer (clearly something there in the family tradition!).  He wasn't terribly enthusiastic about the idea either! But he was always interested to know what was happening in the world of careers! I always loved the story of his advice to Maggie on how to combine her love of art and biology...'Taxidermy!' was the solution- and that's how Maggie started her career!
I will miss David's unique sense of humour and world view. There was never will be anyone quite like him!